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Chesed, or caring for one another through life’s challenging moments, is one of our most treasured values at Temple Sholom. No one lived this value more passionately than Juliana Schafer (z"l). This group is named in her honor so that her lifelong legacy of care will live on in our sustained commitment to Chesed. We are a community that shows up enthusiastically for one another. We do this by building a network of support, and that network is stronger with you in it! 

If you would like to be part of our caring circle at Temple Sholom, please fill out the form below, and you will be added to our Chesed listserv. On the listserv, you will be notified of volunteer opportunities as they arise, from cooking a meal for someone who needs one, to calling an elderly member of the congregation to check in. You can volunteer for as many or as few opportunities as fits with your schedule. 

Questions about involvement or you know someone who could use some support? Please contact Rabbi Scott Gellman at 

The Chesed Circle helps provide:

  • Regular check-in's to the entire community to help combat loneliness and isolation
  • Food for those suffering from illness or loss
  • Extra support for those going through a hard time, and more

Should you be interested in supporting your community through the Chesed Circle's mission, please consider donating to the Annual Fund to sustain these efforts. To do-so, please click here.

Caring Conversations with JCFS

Making phone calls to our congregants throughout the year is one of our key objectives for the Chesed Circle. This not only allows connections to form, but provides the Temple Staff & Clergy with a better understanding of what's going on in our congregants' lives and where we can help if needed.

To view our Caring Conversations session with JCFS, please click here for the recording.

Want to help? Fill out the form below!

If you are interested in cooking meals but are not able to deliver, please contact Jeff at or Debby at to set up pick-up/delivery logistics.

Sign-up to make High Holy Day (2024) Chesed Calls Today

Thank you so much for signing up to be a Chesed Caller! Making Chesed calls makes a huge impact in our congregation, and is easy to do! 

Calls will be taking place throughout the pre-High Holy Day season from September 16 to 30. Sign up today, and you will receive resource and information to assist in the calls. If you have questions about what this effort entails, please contact Rabbi Gellman at

The more calls you make, the more people in our congregation we can reach! Most calls go to voicemail, and completing 15 calls usually takes around 30-45 minutes. We thank you for considering upping your commitment!


Sat, February 15 2025 17 Sh'vat 5785